
Accommodation and facilities - أول ثانوي, الفصل الدراسي الأول, مفردات ترافلر1 Traveller

Accommodation الإقامه
Which of the words in the box relate to the different types of accommodation shown? There
may be more than one answer.

high prices : B&B (bed and breakfast), hotel
room service : hotel
tent : campsite
air conditioning: B&B (bed and breakfast), hotel
shower: B&B (bed and breakfast), hotel, campsite, youth hotel
swimming pool : hotel
buffet : B&B (bed and breakfast), hotel
Wi-Fi connection : B&B (bed and breakfast), hotel
business centre: hotel
sleeping bag : campsite

B&B (bed and breakfast), hotel, campsite, youth hostel

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 1⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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