
Adjectives describing places - أول ثانوي, الفصل الدراسي الأول, مفردات ترافلر1 Traveller

الدرس السابق ⇚ Geographical features

A. Read the sentences below and match the adjectives in bold with the definitions a-h.

1. The bus was crowded and I couldn’t get on. ( c )
2. When I get tired of life in the city, I go to the countryside. It’s so peaceful there. ( b )
3. You can find lots of books about ancient history in the library. ( f )
4. I live in a noisy neighbourhood and can’t sleep at night! ( d )
5. Don’t worry; the streets around here are safe for the children to play in. ( h )
6. The town square is a popular meeting place for teenagers. ( e )
7. We went on a tour around the town and saw many historic buildings. ( g )
8. The town centre has a great variety of cosy cafés and restaurants. ( a )

a. comfortable and warm
b. quiet and calm
c. full of people
d. making a lot of noise
e. liked by a large number
of people
f. very old
g. important in history
h. not dangerous

B. Use some of the adjectives above to describe your city/town.

عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 1⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

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