
Remember Vocabulary Words in 5 Steps

Remember Vocabulary Words in 5 Steps

    You have to follow particular step-by-step directions to memorize vocabulary along with their meanings, definitions and phonetics because it is not an easy mission sometimes. Here are five helpful steps in which you can accomplish grade A and then to be on the top in your vocabulary words examination:

meanings, definitions and phonetics, vocabulary
First step: Get a sheet of paper and fold it into half. On the right hand side, write a particular word. On the left, write its meaning. Write clearly and in an attractive way. 

word, meanings, definitions and phonetics

Second step: One of the most effective ways that help you to memorize vocabulary in a better way is creating Flashcards. In the front side of the card, write the meaning of the word and at the back side write the word.

Third step: Write every vocabulary word several times; at least 10 times. This step concerns with memorizing practice. Do this until you have totally memorized the list of vocabulary. This way will fresh your mind. 

effective ways to learn new vocabulary

Fourth step: Go to step one again and take the sheet that you separated into two parts. Cover one side and guess the meaning and the definition of vocabulary. Sign a correct mark each time you say the meaning and definition correct. 

vocabulary word, list of important vocaulary
Fifth step: Finally, you can play flashcards with partners where they will show a word randomly.


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