
حلول الوحدة الأولى من كتاب الطالب | Hello| Traveller 2

حلول الوحدة الأولى من كتاب الطالب | Hello| Traveller 2

حل فقرة الاستماع والقراءة
فقرة B
a. 3   b. 2   c. 1
فقرة C
10:30 /Ibrahim Ammar /terrible headache, runny nose, sneezing,
bones hurt, temperature / rest, lots of fluids, painkillers

2.VOCABULARY  حل فقرة المفردات
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c

3.GRAMMAR حل فقرة القاعدة
would like, seem, too, what, after, let

4.PRACTICE  حل فقرة تدرب
1. call, to take
2. show, to use, finish
3. to visit, to come, to go
4. study, to help, to do

5.INTONATION حل فقرة ترنيم أو تنغيم الصوت
فقرة B
1. Does Salman have toothache? a.
2. Did Andy go to the bank?b.
3. Are you seeing the dentist on Monday? b.

6.SPEAKING   حل فقرة التحدث
الإجابات تتفاوت

1b               |
1.READING حل فقرة القراءة
فقرة B
The letters SOS don’t stand for anything.
فقرة C
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b
فقرة D
1. e 2. d 3. b 4. f 5. c 6. a

2.VOCABULARY  حل فقرة المفردات
1. In my opinion
2. In fact
3. in the end
4. In addition
5. in a hurry
6. in common
7. in the beginning
8. in danger

3.GRAMMAR حل فقرة القواعد
b, c, a

4.PRACTICE حل فقرة الممارسة
1. do, lighting, Making, hear, running
2. to come, going, doing, ask

1.VOCABULARY  حل فقرة المفردات
1. suffer from = to be affected by an unpleasant condition
    control = to have power over sth/sb
    reduce = decrease, make smaller or less
2. a fear of = be afraid of
    deal with = to take action in order to solve a
    problem = tackle
    advise = to tell sb what they should do or how they should act in a particular situation

2.GRAMMAR حل فقرة القواعد
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T

3.PRACTICE حل فقرة الممارسة
1. You had better go now because you’re going to be late.
2. You should not/shouldn’t leave your mobile in the car.
3. You had better not borrow my car without asking.
4. You had better not be late, otherwise Abdulrahman will leave without you.
5. You should talk to your parents.

4.LISTENING حل فقرة الاستماع
B فقرة
1. T 2. F 3. F
C فقرة
1. T 2. F 3. T

5.SPEAKING حل فقرة التحدث
الإجابات تتفاوت

6.WRITING حل فقرة الكتابة
A فقرة
الإجابات تتفاوت
B فقرة
1. He’s afraid of public speaking.
2. He should practise giving his presentation in front of a mirror until he feels confident. Before his
presentation, he should do some kind of physical activity (e.g. take a walk) to help reduce his anxiety.
During his presentation, he should choose a few friendly faces from the audience and focus on them.
He should also take deep breaths to feel calm. If all this doesn’t work, he should take a training course in public speaking.
C فقرة
1. G 2. G 3. A 4. A 5. G 6. A

1.READING حل فقرة القراءة
B فقرة
It is about a train accident caused by some/a flock of sheep.

C فقرة
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. F
6. NM
7. F
8. T
9. NM

D فقرة
1. was derailed
2. a flock of
3. injured
4. rescue
5. tragedy
6. put out
7. survivor
8. field

2.VOCABULARY حل فقرة المفردات
1. injured 2. damaged 3. survived 
4. rescued 5. watch 6. look 7. notice

3.GRAMMAR حل فقرة القواعد
The sentences in the Active Voice have the same meaning as the ones in the Passive Voice. 
The sentences in the Active Voice focus on the person doing the action
(The train driver, We). 
The sentences in the Passive Voice focus on the action (is driven, were taken).

4.PRACTICE حل فقرة الممارسة
Subject + Verb be + Past Participle of Main Verb (+ by.. )

5.SPEAKING حل فقرة التحدث
1. is organised   2. was delivered
3. was hit, wasn’t injured   4. are used   5. is spoken
6. were rescued, was... destroyed     7. is/was kept

1.VOCABULARY حل فقرة المفردات
1. embarrassed 2. surprised 3. embarrassed
4. annoyed 5. embarrassed 6. annoyed
7. surprised

2.LISTENING حل فقرة الاستماع
B فقرة
a. 2    b. 1   c. 4     d. 3

C فقرة
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F

3.SPEAKING حل فقرة التحدث
الإجابات تتفاوت

4.WRITING حل فقرة الكتابة
B فقرة
1. It took place two years ago on a train going from Paris to London.

2. In the middle of his experience the writer felt furious. At the end of his experience the writer felt

3. The introductory paragraph (introduction) gives the background of the event and introduces the main characters. The second paragraph (main part) describes how the event started and developed. The concluding paragraph (conclusion) describes the outcome of the event and makes a short comment on it.

4. Because he wants to make the account more realistic and interesting.

5. The Past Simple and the Past Progressive.

6. As soon as (time), but/however (contrast), because (cause), so (result). He uses them to make his writing flow.

C فقرة
1. As soon as/When I realised that Nasir was angry,
I stopped laughing.
I stopped laughing because I realised that Nasir was angry.
I realised that Nasir was angry, so I stopped laughing.

2. While Abdullah was running up the stairs, he fell and broke his leg.
Abdullah fell and broke his leg as he was running up the stairs.

3. Bob took a taxi to work because he was late.
Bob was late for work, so he took a taxi.

4. As soon as they left the room, the baby started crying.
When they left the room, the baby started crying.

5. I start work at 9:00, so/but I get up at 8:00.
I get up at 8:00 because I start work at 9:00.

6. As soon as we had dinner, we went out.
Before we went out, we had dinner.

1 Round-up             
حل الأسئلة الشاملة

VOCABULARY حل فقرةالمفردات
A فقرة
1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. f
6. e

B فقرة
1. audience
2. nerves
3. make
4. examine
5. skin
6. get
7. suggest
8. crew

C فقرة
1. out
2. from, with
3. in, on
4. for
5. over
6. down

GRAMMAR  حل فقرة القواعد
D فقرة
1. to buy
2. to come
3. to go
4. going
5. to get
6. shopping
7. lend
8. borrow
9. complaining

E فقرة
1. gave
2. was written
3. was pulled
4. is painted
5. are taught
6. called

F فقرة
1. You had better not lie to the police.
2. You should work out three times a week.
3. You shouldn’t be so rude to your family and friends.
4. You had better visit a doctor before you get worse.

COMMUNICATION   حل فقرة التفاعل
G فقرة
1. e
2. b
3. f
4. d
5. a
6. c

LISTENING  حل فقرة الاستماع
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a

SPEAKING حل فقرة التحدث
الإجابات تتفاوت

Culture page             
B فقرة
911 is the emergency telephone number for the USA and the rest of North America.

999 is the number for the police in Saudi Arabia and the emergency telephone number for the UK.

311 is a non-emergency telephone number for North America.

112 is the emergency telephone number for all EU countries.

998 is the Saudi number you call in case of a fire and 997 for an ambulance.

C فقرة
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F

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