
شرح قاعدة Ways of talking about the past منهج Flying High 4 للصف الثاني ثانوي الفصل الدراسي الثاني

شرحنا في الدرس السابق {Used to / would with the past
Ways of talking about the past
طُرق التحدث عن الماضي
Use and form:    الاستخدام والصيغة
• To describe a setting
لوصف وضع حالة.
a) the past simple: It was a stormy night.
b) the past continuous: The sun was setting.
c) there was / were: There was no one on the streets.

• To describe actions or events
لوصف أفعال وأحداث.
a) the past simple: Lightning struck the house.
b) the past perfect: They had gone to bed three hours before the fire started.
c) the past continuous: They were sleeping when the fire started.

• To talk with different degrees of certainty about a person or situation
للتحدث بدرجات مُختلفة من التأكد عن شخص أو حالة.
a) must have: It must have rained, since all the streets are wet.
b) may / might have: That noise may have been the wind outside.
c) couldn’t have: It couldn’t have been the cat because she’s right here.

الدرس التالي {Definite article the: use and non-use}
عودة للفهرس ⇐ { شرح قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية 4 Flying High الترم الثاني }

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