عبارات تصف ما تحب وما تكره.
like = يحب , dislike = لا يحب أو يكره.
العبارت التالية تعبر عن حب أو اعجاب
is a big fan of
is interested in
is fond of
being into
العبارات التالية تعبر عن عدم حب أو كراهية
can't stand
find boring
Read the sentences. Which of the phrases in bold mean like and which dislike?
1. Tom is a big fan of Manchester United. He never misses a match. like
2. Hamid can't stand reading late at night. dislike
3. Alice is interested in art. She has twenty paintings in her house.like
4. Huda is fond of children. She wants to become a teacher.like
5. Henry finds science-fiction books boring. He rarely reads them.dislike
6. Linda hates Geography. She never studies.dislike
7. My brother and I are really into rock climbing. We go rock climbing every year.like
عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 1⇐ Vocabulary Lesson
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♣️ قد ترغب بزيارة ⇐ قناة ثمرات اللغة