
شرح مفردات Words easily confused -Traveller3 ثاني ثانوي, الفصل الدراسي الأول

 Words easily confused
كلمات مُتشابهه

معنى كلمة confused في العنوان أي (مشوش, ملتبس) ومعنى easily بسهوله - وعليه فإننا نشرح في هذا الدرس كلمات تُسبب التباس بسهولة لانها متشابهه تقريباً في المعنى لكن تختلف حسب سياق الجُملة. 
try on  / try out 
take part / take place
wait / except 
foreigners / strangers
habit / custom
history / story 

Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. When I go to a restaurant I always like to try on / try out something different on the menu. 
2. Anna asked the shop assistant if she could try on / try out the black sandals.

3. The Spring Festival will take part / take place in the park.
4. Would you ever take part / take place in a sports competition?

5. The organisers wait / except that more than 5,000 people will attend the festival. 
6. We’ve been here for minutes. I can’t wait / except any longer.

7. Foreigners / Strangers need a visa to enter the country.
8. It is common for mothers to tell their children not to talk to foreigners / strangers.

9. Linda has a bad habit / custom of not turning off the TV when she is not watching.
10. Giving someone a gift on their graduation is a common habit / custom in most countries.

11. Come on uncle tell us a history / story about your childhood.
12. I always like to learn about the history / story of the cities I visit.

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