
Words Related to Travelling by Plane مفردات تتعلق بالسفر بالطائره, أول ثانوي, الفصل الدراسي الأول, مفردات ترافلر1

الدرس السابق ⇚ 2 Round Up

مفردات تتعلق بالسفر بالطائره
To guess the meaning of an unknown word:
• read the words before and after the unknown word and think of the situation.
• try to figure out what part of speech (verb, noun, etc.) the unknown word is.
• see if the unknown word is similar to other words in English or in your own language.

مفردات انجليزية يحتاجها أي مسافر
arrivals = القادون - مكان وصول المسافرون الوافدون
land =يهـبط

departures = المغادرين
delay = تأخير

take off = تُقلع
gate = بوابة

board = يركب
boarding card = مضيف
flight attendant = بطاقة ركوب

arrivals = the place at an airport where passengers go to once they have got off the plane
land (v) = to come down through the air onto the ground
departures = the place at an airport where passengers go to in order to make all the necessary
arrangements before they get on their plane
delay (n) = a period of time when passengers have to wait before they get on their plane because of a
problem that makes their flight late
take off = to leave the ground and begin to fly
gate = the place at an airport where passengers are allowed to get on or off a plane
board (v) = to get on a plane
boarding card = a card that a passenger receives after they have checked in and they must have it to
be allowed to get on a plane
flight attendant = someone whose job is to serve passengers on a plane

استمع للمفردات وجمل عليها من الفيديوهات التالية:


عوده لفهرس مفردات ترافلر 1⇐ Vocabulary Lesson

♣️ ⇐ كل شيء عن منهج Traveller للمرحلة الثانوية
♣️ قد ترغب بزيارة  قناة ثمرات اللغة

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