0 Words Used When Talking About Sadness ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : Quiz 1. miss to fail to hit, catch, reach, etc. something to get well again after being ill/sick, hurt, etc without sleep a feeling of great sadness, especially when somebody dies 2. grief to get well again after being ill/sick, hurt, etc without sleep to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths a feeling of great sadness, especially when somebody dies 3. comfort without sleep to console the state of no longer having something extremely sad because of something that has happened 4. recover to get well again after being ill/sick, hurt, etc the state of no longer having something extremely sad because of something that has happened without sleep 5. sleepless not communicating drops of water from eyes the state of no longer having something without sleep Score = Correct answers: Go back to quiz 1 تعديل المقال تعليقات