0 Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives #quiz 2 ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : Quiz 1. The adjective "simplest" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 2. The adjective "more simple" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 3. The adjective "better" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 4. The adjective "worse" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 5. The adjective "cleverest" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 6. The adjective "worst" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 7. The adjective "cleverest" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form 8. The adjective "more careful" is written in ........... comparative form superlative form Score = Correct answers: Back To The Main تعديل المقال تعليقات