0 Opposite Meaning ثمرات اللغة اخر تحديث : Quiz 1. honest By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –il 2. do By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –un 3. lock By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –im 4. dress By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –im 5. successful By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –im 6. correct By adding the prefix –il By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –in 7. usual By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –un By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –im 8. wrap By adding the prefix –im By adding the prefix –in By adding the prefix –dis By adding the prefix –un Score = Correct answers: Quiz 1 : The Prefixes un- , dis-, in-, im-, il-, ir | Give th Opposite تعديل المقال تعليقات