
ميقا قول 6 | حل تدريبات فقرة القواعد Grammar | كتاب الطالب - الباب الثاني

Such…That / So…That

A. Complete each sentence with such (a/an), so, so much, so many, so little, or so few.
1. My grandfather drives ______ slowly that other drivers get annoyed.
2. I got ______ sleep last night that I feel exhausted today.
3. He has ______ big family that he has cousins he hasn’t even met.
4. They are ______ good friends that they are more like brothers.
5. The restaurant was ______ crowded that we couldn’t get a seat.
6. There are ______ rooms left in the hotel that we’ll have to take whatever is available.
7. There are ______ good courses this year that I can’t decide which ones to take.
8. That TV has ______ large screen that it feels like you are almost part of the story.
9. There are ______ shoppers in the store today that it looks empty.
10. There are ______ good TV programs on these days that I hardly watch TV at all.

1. so
2. so little
3. such a
4. such
5. so
6. so few
7. so many
8. such a
9. so few
10 . so few

B. Match the sentences. Then use these ideas to write one sentence with so…that or such…that.
I’m having such a good time that I don’t want to go home.

1. d I’m having such a good time that I don’t want to go home.
2. a The food was so spicy that my mouth burned for half an hour after eating it.
3. f Emma is such a popular name that there are four girls in my class with that name.
4. c The school is so selective that they only accept one student for every 100 applications.
5. g The company received so many complaints that they had to recall the product.
6. b My brother has won so many sports trophies that we’ve had to build a shelf to put them on.
7. e You made such a big meal that we’ll never be able to finish it all.

C. Rewrite the sentences, reducing the adverb clauses to participle phrases.

While my brother was vacationing in New York City, he visited the Empire State Building.
While vacationing in New York City, my brother visited the Empire State Building.
1. After I finish a large meal, I often feel sleepy.
2. You should always put on sunscreen before you go to the beach.
3. While we waited for the bus, we looked through some magazines.
4. Before they found an apartment to rent, they had looked at dozens of apartments.
5. Before we moved to Riyadh, my family had always lived in the country.
6. Since he joined the social networking site, he has met many new friends.
7. While I was walking down the street, I ran into my old science teacher.

Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. After finishing a large meal, I often feel sleepy.
2. You should always put on sunscreen before going to the beach.
3. While waiting for the bus, we looked through some magazines.
4. Before finding an apartment to rent, they had looked at dozens
of apartments.
5. Before moving to Riyadh, my family had always lived in the
6. Since joining the social networking site, he has met many
new friends.
7. While walking down the street, I ran into my old science

D. Look at the picture. Describe what you see using so…that, such…that, and reduced adverb clauses.


Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. It is such a hot day that the teenage boy’s ice cream cone is dripping.
2. The little boy is so excited that he is dragging his father to the ice cream truck.
3. The little boy has eaten so much ice cream that he feels sick.
4. While running, the teenage boy tripped and fell.
5. Before skateboarding, the boy is putting on knee pads.


Past Progressive

A. Complete the news report using the verbs in parentheses. Use the passive and active simple past, the past progressive tense and was/were about to.

The last thing 17-year-old Ricardo Gordon remembers (1. be) that
a storm (2. be about to) come, and he (3 rush)
to get inside. Next thing he (4. know), he (5. lie)
in a hospital bed. Here is what (6. happen).
Ricardo (7. listen) to the live broadcast of the football
game when lightning (8. hit) him. As a result, his hair and
ears (9. burn), and he (10. have) dark spots all over
his body. The wounds on his body (11. follow) the wire of his
smartphone, from his ears down to his hip, where he (12. carry)
the device. The electric current (13. travel) from his smartphone
to his headphones. Ricardo is lucky to be alive!


1. was
2. was about to
3. rushed
4. knew
5. was lying
6. happened
7. was listening
8. hit
9. were burned
1 0 . had
1 1 . followed
1 2 . was carrying
1 3 . traveled

B. Work with a partner. Look at the newspaper headlines and imagine the story. Tell the story.
Students’ own answers
British Burglar Says ”Sorry” With Flowers

Paper Boy Steals Truck to Speed Up Deliveries

Criminals with Big Plans, Small Car

C. Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple past and the past perfect forms.

1. Ahmed ____________ (cook) his favorite meal when the pan
____________ (catch) fire.
2. By the time we ____________ (arrive) at the picnic, the rain
____________ (stop).
3. Dinosaurs ____________ (be) extinct for millions of years before the first
humans ____________ (appear).
4. I ____________ (never, travel) outside my country until I ____________ (go) to Disney World last summer.
5. We wanted to get a picture of the meteorite, but when we ____________ (arrive), the police ____________
(already, take) it away.

1. had cooked, caught
2. arrived, had stopped
3. had been, appeared
4. had never traveled, went
5. arrived, had already taken

D. Read the newspaper story about a burglar that was caught against the odds. Complete the article with the correct form of the verbs. For some answers, both the simple past and the past perfect forms are possible.

Would-Be Robber Forgets Important Detail
STANTON, Texas—John Wilkinson, 24, attempted (1. attempt) to rob the Stanton Drug Store yesterday.
Wilkinson spent (2. spend) weeks planning every detail of the robbery. He bought (3. buy)
a ski mask to cover his face. And right before the robbery, he took (4. take) the license plate off his car.
Wilkinson felt (5. feel) confident that he had planned (6. plan) the perfect robbery. The robbery
itself  went (7. go) off without a hitch. The problems began when Wilkinson tried (8. try)
to get away. Wilkinson ran (9. run) to his car. He left (10. leave) it parked and running
in front of the pharmacy. He tried (11. try) to get in the car but the door wouldn’t open. Wilkinson discovered (12. discover) that he had made (13. make) an incredibly stupid mistake. He  thought 14. think) so much about the robbery, that he had locked (15. lock) his keys in the car by mistake!


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