
About You عنك | أسئلة عنك - منهج سوبر قول 3 الفصل الدراسي الثاني

 أسئلة فقرة About You عنك - لكل وحدات الفصل الدراسي الثاني

شرح سوبر قول 3 ثالث متوسط أسئلة فقرة About You عنك - لكل وحدات الفصل الدراسي الثاني

Since When  الوحدة 5:

1. How long have you studied English?

2. How long have you played a sport or had a hobby?

3. How long have you had any of these items:

computer, laptop, digital camera, scooter, cell phone?

4. How long have you gone to school?

5. How long have you lived in your house?

6. How long have you known your best friends?

Do You Know Where It Is?   الوحدة 6

1. Describe three things in your town that have changed in the last year or two.

2. Talk about something that has become cheaper or more expensive recently.

3. Compare things that are/aren’t as good in two neighborhoods in your town.

4. What are the best restaurants, stores, and hangout places in your town? Does the class agree?

It’s a Good Deal, Isn’t It?  الوحدة 7

1. Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else?

2. Have you read or heard about stories of mistaken identities?

3. Have you ever been to a garage sale or a street sale?

4. Have you ever bought something that you later didn’t want? What was it?

Drive Slowly!   الوحدة 8

1. What is the driving age in your country?
2. Is the driving age the same for motorcycles?
3. What is the speed limit in your town/city? Is it too high or too low?
4. Do you see a lot of aggressive drivers? What do they do?
5. What are the most common traffic problems in your town?
6. What is the major cause of car accidents in your country?
7. What do you think are the difficulties of driving in your country?
8. Do you think it is a good idea to have speed cameras on some roads?
9. Have you ever seen or been in a road accident? What happened?


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