
Compound Words Starting With Back

الدرس السابق ⇚

A. Look at the extract from Text A on page 80. What does the word in bold mean?
Against the backdrop of this increasingly uncertain world,...

B. Read the sentences below and match the words in bold with their definitions.
1. 􀀶mall enterprises are considered to be the
bac􀁎b􀁒􀁑e of commerce in my country􀀑
2. Everything will work out􀀏 as long as our plan
doesn􀁩t bac􀁎􀁉􀁌􀁕e􀀑
􀀖. We will need a bac􀁎􀁘􀁓 plan in case something
goes wrong􀀑
􀀗.􀀃 􀀪ardening can be bac􀁎b􀁕ea􀁎􀁌􀁑􀁊 work􀀑
􀀘.􀀃 􀀷he increase in salary we got in 􀀭une was
bac􀁎da􀁗ed to the beginning of the year􀀑
􀀙.􀀃 􀀷he businessman had to bac􀁎􀁗􀁕ac􀁎 on his decision
after he realised what a big investment the project required.  (  )
􀀚. 􀀷he little town is so bac􀁎􀁚a􀁕d􀀏 they don't even
have indoor plumbing!  (  )
􀀛. 􀀤fter the mall opened􀀏 many small shops closed in the backwash. (  )

a. an unpleasant situation coming as a result of something
b. a second set of something in case the first one doesn't work
c. what gives strength to something
d. not developed
e. to have an undesired result
f. to change an earlier opinion􀀏 statement or decision
g. requiring physical effort and tiring
h. to make effective from an earlier time

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