
Full Blast 5 | شرح قاعدة المستقبل Future Will

الدرس السابق ⇐  Relative pronouns: who / which / that


Time Clauses (Present - Future)
عبارات الوقت في الحاضر والمستقبل
• The children will go to bed after they brush their teeth.
• Mark will make an appointment before he goes to the doctor.
• When Ken arrives, we’ll order pizza.
• We’ll wait here until John returns.
• I’ll tell Robert the good news as soon as I see him.

Conditional Sentences Type 1
الجملة الشرطية نوع 1

• We use Conditional Sentences Type 1 to express something which is likely to happen in the
present or future.

• Conditional Sentences consist of the if-clause and the main clause. When the if-clause
is before the main clause, we separate the two clauses with a comma. We do not use a
comma when the if clause is after the main clause.
تتألف الجملة الشرطية من عبارتين هما:
- عبارة لو  if
- والعبارة الرئيسية

إذا بدأ الجملة  بعبارة if فإننا نستخدم الفاصلة.
إذا كانت if هي العبارة الثانية فلا نستخدم الفاصلة.
If you come round this afternoon, I’ll give you your book back.
I’ll give you your book back if you come round this afternoon.

Unless can be used instead of if … not.

We’ll play football tomorrow unless it rains. (=We’ll play football tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.)

Time Clauses b (Present - Future)

Time clauses define when the action described in the main clause takes place. Time clauses begin with the words when, after, before, as soon as, until, etc. When a time clause refers to the present or the future, the verb is in the Present Simple and the verb in the main clause is in the Future Will. We don’t use will in a time clause.


When the time clause comes before the main clause, the two clauses are separated by
a comma.
عندما تأتي عبارة الوقت قبل العبارة الرئيسية, 
فإن العبارتين مفصولتان بـ فاصلة. 
When the time clause comes after the main clause, the two clauses are not
separated by a comma.
عندما تأتي عبارة الوقت بعد العبارة الرئيسية 
فلا يوجد فاصلة.

He will go out after he finishes his homework.

الدرس التالي ⇐ { All / Both / Neither / None / Either }
عوده لفهرس القواعد {Grammar}
 قد ترغب بزيارة  قناة ثمرات اللغة


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