
Present Perfect Simple + Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple + for-since

شرحنا في الدرس السابق ⇐ {All / Both / Neither / None / Either}

Present Perfect Simple +
المُضارع التام 
Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple
المُضارع التام مقابل الماضي البسيط
 + for-since

• Danny hasn’t been to a summer camp before, but he has decided where he wants to go.
• A: Have you ever tried water skiing?
B: No, I haven’t but I’ve always wanted to.
A: I’ve done it twice.

NOTE:  ملاحظة

• Ted has gone to camp. (He’s still there.)
• Ted has been to camp twice. (He has stayed at the camp twice but he isn’t there now.)

Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple
المُضارع التام مقابل الماضي البسيط
A: I’ve heard this story many times before.
B: I heard it yesterday for the first time.

for + a period of time
نستخدم for + فترة من الزمن.
• I have known Pete for two years.
• They have had this car for eight months.

since + a specific point in time
نستخدم since + نقطة محددة من الزمن. 
• He has had this motorbike since April.
• We have been friends since we finished college.

الدرس التالي ⇐ { Prepositions of time - place - movement }
عوده لفهرس القواعد {Grammar}
 قد ترغب بزيارة  قناة ثمرات اللغة


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