
الوحدة الرابعة | كتابة writing - ميقا قول 1 Mega Goal

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صفحة 62

 Writing كتابة

A. Consider the following questions and discuss your ideas with a partner. 

ج: ضع في اعتبارك الأسئلة التالية وناقش أفكارك مع رفيقك.

 1. Do you have a cell phone? What do you use it for?

 2. What type/brand of cell phone do you like? Why?

 3. How would life be different if there were no cell phones? 

 B. Read “The Invention of The Cell Phone” and complete the timeline.

 1. Write all the dates/years along the line in chronological order.

 2. Make notes about what happened on each date.

C. Choose a product and find out as much as you can about it. Put the information on a timeline. Use the information to write about the product’s history.

اختر منتجًا واكتشف أكبر قدر ممكن من المعلومات عنه. ضع المعلومات في جدول زمني. استخدم المعلومات للكتابة عن تاريخ المنتج.


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